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TSPSC Photo and Signature Size, dimensions and Format

Newisty 2022-04-18T16:26:16+06:00 , Updated: 1 year ago Indian Exam , Tspsc 0 8558
TSPSC Photo and Signature Size, dimensions and Format

TSPSC Photo and Signature Size Compressor, Resizer, Converter Online

TSPSC Photo and Signature size, dimensions and format

TSPSC Photo and Signature Size, dimensions and Format

  1. TSPSC Photo Size 3.5 x 4.5 cm, 200 DPI, filesize 20-50KB and JPG/JPEG format.
  2. TSPSC Signature Size 3.5 x 1.5 cm, 200 DPI, filesize 10-30KB and JPG/JPEG format.

TSPSC Photo size 

  • TSPSC Photo Dimension is 3.5 x 4.5 cm, 200 DPI / 125px x 165px (width x height)
  • TSPSC Photo Format is JPG/JPEG
  • TSPSC Photo size is 20-50KB

TSPSC Signature size

  • TSPSC Signature Dimension is 3.5 x 1.5 cm, 200 DPI / 125px  x 80px (width x height)
  • TSPSC Signature Format is JPG/JPEG
  • TSPSC Signature size is 30KB

TSPSC photo and signature size and dimensions for format resize, converter, compressor, online editor 2022 guidlines

The candidate should scan his/her signature which has been put on white paper with black ink pen. Photo image should be of 354 x 275 pixels or 3.5 x 4.5 cm and between 20 KB – 50 KB size and also the signature image should be of 118 x 275 pixels or 3.5 x 1.5 cm and between 10 KB – 30 KB size with reasonably good quality image

Instructions for TSPSC Photograph and signature

Before filling up the application form, the candidate should have a scanned image of his/her photograph and signature. These scanned images are to be uploaded during the submission of application form. The photograph should be in colour or b/w (but clear contrast) with name of the candidate and date of taking the photograph printed on it. It should be without cap or goggles. Spectacles are allowed, polaroid photos are not acceptable.

To be uploaded during the submission of online application form

Photograph 50KB in size and [3.5cmx4.5cm] in dimension should have the name of the candidate and the date on which the photograph is taken printed on it.
Signature of the candidate shall be scanned 30KB in size and [3.5cmx1.5cm] in dimension separately and uploaded here.

TSPSC Photo and Signature Instructions and Guidelines
The images of the signature and photograph must be in the JPEG/JPG format only.
The photo can be either in color or black & white. The quality must be good such that the image is identifiable with the candidate.
The signature that you scanned must be written with a black pen on white paper.
The scanned images of the photo and the signature should not exceed 50 KB in size and must not be less than 10KB.
Photo size 275x354 px or 3.5 x 4.5 cm and Signature size 275x118 px or 3.5 x 1.5 cm
In online application Selfie photos / Polaroid photos/without photos/ and /or signature are not accepted and will be rejected.
Applications not complying with these instructions or without clear photograph are liable to be rejected.
If your scanned images are not of the correct size, you can convert them into the required size by using any free image editing software such as MSPaint or Irfanview. You can also convert the photo to the desired format (.jpg) using the above-mentioned software.
The images should not be hazy or illegible.
The photo file must not contain any marks. It must have only your photograph.
The signature must not contain anything else such as the date, etc.
Once you upload the photo and signature images, you can see the preview of the images. If you are satisfied with them you can click on ‘confirm upload’. If you are not satisfied, you should click on the ‘reload photograph’ or ‘reload signature’ button as the case may be.
This process can be repeated until you are satisfied with the images.
Once you click on ‘confirm upload’, you cannot change the images of either the photograph or the signature.
If you are not satisfied with the quality of the uploaded images, you can submit a fresh online application with fresh samples of your photo and signature. In this case, you will have to pay the prescribed fees once again.

TSPSC FAQ's and Short Info's

What is the Photo and Signature size of TSPSC 2022?

TSPSC Photo size 275x354 px or 3.5 x 4.5 cm (200 DPI) and Signature size 275x118 px or 3.5 x 1.5 cm (200 DPI) - [Width x Height]

TSPSC Photo size

TSPSC Photo size 275x354 px or 3.5 x 4.5 cm (200 DPI) - Width x Height

TSPSC Signature size

TSPSC Signature size 275x118 px or 3.5 x 1.5 cm (200 DPI) - Width x Height

TSPSC Photo & Signature format

TSPSC Photo & Signature should be in .jpg or .JPEG format

TSPSC Photo file-size

TSPSC Photo file-size is 20KB - 50KB 

TSPSC Signature file-size

TSPSC Signature file-size is 10KB - 30KB 

TSPSC Photo file-name

TSPSC Photo file-name is Photograph.jpg 

TSPSC Signature file-name

TSPSC Signature file-name is Signature.jpg 

TSPSC Photo Color

TSPSC Photo Should be color photograph and background should be white.

TSPSC Photo with name and date

For TSPSC in candidates photo have to the name of the candidate and the date on which the photograph is taken printed on it. 

TSPSC Document Compressor 

With TSPSC Photo and Signature Newisty also compress TSPSC Documents like certificate.

TSPSC 2022 Useful links



Resize, Convert and Compress, Reduce your TSPSC Photo and Signature

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