AFCAT Photo and Signature Resizer, Compressor and Converter

Tool Updated: 24-01-2023 11:56:45 pm
AFCAT Photo and Signature Resizer, Compressor and Converter is a powerful tool designed specifically to help you prepare your AFCAT Photo, Signature, and Thumb Impression in accordance with the guidelines set by the organisation. It allows you to resize, convert and compress these documents quickly and easily, while also providing you with the ability to edit, crop, zoom, rotate and move them.
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AFCAT Photo and Signature Resizer, Compressor and Converter

AFCAT Photo and Signature Resizer, Compressor and Converter is an image processing tool specifically designed to resize, convert, compress and rename photos, signatures and thumb impressions according to AFCAT guidelines and instructions.

Simply upload your images and save them in accordance with AFCAT regulations..

Error in AFCAT Photo, Signature and Thumb Impression

Don't panic if you are having trouble with the dimensions, file name, or size of your photo, signature, or thumb impression when applying for AFCAT online. We can help you out! Just choose the type of image you want to use for your exam, upload it to us, and we'll take care of the rest. We'll make sure it meets the required format and size, and it will be ready for you to upload without any errors.

AFCAT Required Documents Size, Dimensions, Format and guidelines 2023

  1. AFCAT Photo Dimension are 100x120px or 3.5 x 4.5 cm (275x354 px), 200 DPI / 125px x 165px (width x height), size is 10-50KB, Format is JPG / JPEG and AFCAT and File name should be Passport_Photograph
  2. AFCAT Signature Dimension are 100x80px or 3.5 x 1.5 cm (275x118 px), 200 DPI / 125px  x 80px (width x height), size is 10-50KB, Format is JPG / JPEG and AFCAT and File name should be Signature
  3. AFCAT Thumb Impression Dimension are 100x120px or 3.5 x 1.5 cm (275x118 px), 200 DPI / 125px  x 80px (width x height), size is 10-50KB, Format is JPG / JPEG and AFCAT and File name should be Thumb_Impression

AFCAT Photo, Signature and Thumb Impression Size

Exam Name Type of Document Image Height Image Width Minimum Size  Maximum Size
AFCAT Photo 100px 120px 10KB 50KB
4.5cm / 354 px 3.5cm / 275px


1.5cm / 118 px 3.5cm / 275px

Thumb Impression

Men - Left Thumb Impression

Women - Right Thumb Impression

120px 100px
1.5cm / 118 px 3.5cm / 275px

AFCAT Photo size, dimensions and format 2023

  1. AFCAT Photo Dimension are 100x120px or 3.5 x 4.5 cm (275x354 px), 200 DPI / 125px x 165px (width x height)
  2. AFCAT Photo Format is JPG / JPEG
  3. AFCAT Photo size is 10-50KB
  4. AFCAT Photo File name should be Passport_Photograph

AFCAT Signature size, dimensions and format 2023

  1. AFCAT Signature Dimension are 100x80 px or 3.5 x 1.5 cm (275x118 px), 200 DPI / 125px  x 80px (width x height)
  2. AFCAT Signature Format is JPG / JPEG
  3. AFCAT Signature size is 10-50KB
  4. AFCAT Signature File name should be Signature

AFCAT Thumb Impression size, dimensions and format 2023

  1. AFCAT Thumb Impression Dimension are 100x120 px or 3.5 x 1.5 cm (275x118 px), 200 DPI / 125px  x 80px (width x height)
  2. AFCAT Thumb Impression Format is JPG / JPEG
  3. AFCAT Thumb Impression size is upto 10-50KB
  4. AFCAT Thumb Impression File name should be Thumb_Impression
  5. AFCAT Men candidates are required to upload their Left Thumb Impression and women candidates are required to upload their Right Thumb Impression, Men - Left Thumb Impression, Women - Right Thumb Impression

How to resize, convert, compress and rename AFCAT photo, signature and thumb impression

  1. Go to
  2. Select your document type (photo, signature and thumb impression)
  3. Upload your image and edit your photo
  4. If do not want edit images then click Only Resize, Convert & Compress. No Edit (crop, flip, zoom, rotate, move) option and upload your photo
  5. Our system automatically resize, convert, compress and rename your documents name according to AFCAT guidelines.

AFCAT Photo, Signature and Thumb Impression Guidelines

AFCAT Photo Guidelines

As per AFCAT Photo Guidelines,

  1. AFCAT Photo File name should be Passport_Photograph and format should be jpg or jpeg format (example: Passport_Photograph.jpeg)
  2. Photo File size should be between 10-50KB
  3. At any stage if uploaded photos are found as false, incorrect or unauthenticate then your candidature will be canceled without any notice.

AFCAT Signature Guidelines

As per AFCAT Signature Guidelines,

  • AFCAT Photo File name should be Signature and format should be jpg or jpeg format  (example: Signature.jpeg)
  • Signature File size should be between 10-50KB
  • At any stage if uploaded photos are found as false, incorrect or unauthenticate then your candidature will be canceled without any notice. 

AFCAT Thumb Impression Guidelines

As per AFCAT Thumb Impression Guidelines,

  1. AFCAT Thumb Impression File name should be Thumb_Impression and format should be jpg or jpeg format (example: Thumb_Impression.jpeg)
  2. Thumb Impression File size should be between 10-50 KB
  3. At any stage if uploaded photos are found as false, incorrect or unauthenticate then your candidature will be canceled without any notice. 