Just Drap & Drop or Upload your image manually from your device or by pasting the image URL from the web you can convert your targeted image to Base64 / Data URI text format.Convert Image To Data Uri / base64 text format.
Convert your multiple Image files to Data Uri and base64 format online and free.
An image to data URI / Base64 converter is a handy tool that allows you to quickly and easily convert an image into a string of text that can be used in a web page or other online application. This type of converter is useful when you need to embed an image into your code but don't want to use an external file hosting service.
Have you ever needed to convert an image into data url or base 64 string?
Image to Base64 is an image encoding system that converts any images into an unreadable text format without data loss, Generated Base64 encoded texts contain plus, slash, equal, Latin letters, and digits.
Base64 encoding is a very useful way to store binary information in text format. Its goal is to represent binary data (like images, sounds, video clips) using ASCII characters (letters from the alphabet + numbers).
An image can be converted into a base64 string using a method called data URIs. This allows us to create a URL for the image that can then be included within a webpage. The process involves converting our original file(s) into a byte array (a collection of bytes). Then we can encode our byte array into a base64 encoded string.
Data URIs provide several benefits compared to local files. They save space in the client (browser) cache, are smaller in size than regular images, and allow websites to serve larger images with less bandwidth usage. Base 64 strings are also easier to read, since they can be easily viewed using common text editors.
With data URIs, you can embed an image directly into your HTML code, without having to load an external file. This can speed up your page load times, and it's actually pretty easy to do. In this article, we'll show you how to convert images to data URIs in seconds.
Have you ever wondered how to make images load faster on your website? One way to do that is by using data URIs. Just Drap & Drop or Upload your image manually from your device or by pasting the image URL from the web you can convert your targeted image to Base64 / Data URI text format.
Base64 Encoded Output for an image is Like ....
For Image Source (img
< img src="..." />
For Background Image URL (background-image:
background-image: url("...")
To use Data URI / Base64 converter, simply copy and paste the generated code into your project where you would like the embedded image to appear. Be sure not to remove any line breaks or spaces from within the code as they are necessary for proper display formatting. You may also need adjust some settings depending on how you plan on using the converted images - such as changing their dimensions or adding borders/spacing around them